Saturday, March 8, 2008

Set back...

Today we headed back to Ubrieux as we still had a few sectors that haven't been done yet.

For my first climb of the day I chose a 40 meter 6b called "Volupte" which was a fun and has this cool overhanging finish. No problems with the onsight.

My fingers seemed to be warming up and getting a into the mode. So as soon as I got down I lined up for another 6b right next to it called "Sadam". Now this route has two variations on it, you could climb the left side for the higher grade or the right side for a lower grade, only 5+. Since we figured the 5+ line would be easier to spot from the photos to make the guide so I got on the 6b variation.

Not 10 meters into the climb I had to pull a dirty lichen covered over hang. After hauling up onto a high left foot hold and locked off (a lock off is when you move into a position and lock your arm it into that position) I felt a burning in my left forearm. So after thrutching up the bulge worrying a little bit that my shoes might not stick to the dirty lichen covered rock. I pulled over and realized the feeling was similar to the injury I had last summer but with out the snapping. I made my way to the top and lowered off.

I was sore but I decided to give it another shot. So I hoped on something easier to test and see if the forearm was just hurt or was I injured. I got on an easier climb, a 6a+ called "La diagonale du fou". The climb was fun and I didn't find my forearms to have any less power but I couldn't shake the titchy feeling I had in it.

I set up a top rope on another 6a+ call "Ripoux" which I climbed without much trouble but I definitely noticed my forearm was stiffening up. So it looks like that would be the day. I cleaned off the route and put my shoes away. That was the day. It looks like I'm going to be taking off the next two days and we'll see. I'm hopeful it is only soft tissue and not a tendon but only time will tell.

I've been icing my forearm since we got home. Finger crossed its doing better tomorrow.

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