For my rest day I decided to start working on that article. Its fun and interesting speaking in the first person as all the writing I've done to date has been through work which means I'm speaking in the third person on the time. Aside from some writing and a little reading I didn't really do much.
Yesterday the day Adrian had a client come so we had to pick him up in Avignon a hour drive from where we are now living. So to make the day worth while we decided to go to Buoux which is pretty close to Avignon. As I mentioned in my last post Buoux is historically significant climbing area and for good reason it is amazing. The cliffs are hugs and the place feels magical. There are steps hewed in the sandstone/limestone (Calcareous sandstone I'm told its called by a geologist friend, John Foulkes) cliffs that lead between various sectors. You can see where ancient peoples carves the walls to allow for their houses to be built. If you want to see what I mean you should check out the pictures I'm posting on crackbook (if I can get the thing to work).
As much natural beauty it possesses it also has amazing pockets and beautiful lines. They proved to be more than a match for me. I was humbled by this location. Adrian hung the draws on a pair of 6c's as warm up and I tried to follow. I ended up with a horrendous flash pump and dogging my way through the cruxes of both climbs. The ordeal too near to an hour for me to get to the top and then clean the route. they were beautiful lines and the climbing was hard but not outrageous I just wasn't climbing well at all.
We tooked a break and wandered over to the "Fin du Monde" sector where the famous "La Rose et la Vampire" is located. Surprisingly the sector was devoid of people which I'm told by Adrian is very unusual. After walking back to the other end of the crag and taking a saunter up some of the carved stairs we had lunch.
When we had finished up its was getting getting late in the day but I still wanted to get on one more climb. I wanted to tick off at least one route from Buoux as if to feel like I had connected with the rock in this place. For the route I selected "Tomate Blue" a 6b which I figured was within my ability as its generally my on-sight grade. It was not to be as I ended up dogging my way up this climb as well. I enjoyed the climbing but walked away defeated.
I listened to my body and decided that this was not the day to climb. We packed up our gear and headed to Avignon to pick up Paul, Adrian's client. This proved to be a challenge as well since we didn't have a map of Avignon except the regional map. After getting lost countless, including an unexpected visit to Pernes-Les-Fontaines, we managed to make our way back to our house.
Sleep took us quickly.
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