Friday, February 8, 2008

Return to Baume Rousse

Today we return to Baume Rousse for some more abuse. After dogging it for the first two days waking up at 10 AM I finally managed to shake the jetlag and wake up at 8 AM. That didn't mean we got rolling quick it just means I ACTUALLY woke up that early.

After a slow start we still managed to get to the crag and hour earlier than our previous times which was much needed since we were going to make this a big day as tomorrow is going to be a rest day.

We started by warming up on a climb call Milky Way was a two pitch climb or a single 35m 6b+ that was really easy up to crux at the top. Next we took a photo op for Adrian to get some shots of the crag.

Next I hopped on Rigni, Rignette et Rignoulou and Haschisch B both of which are 6b+. The were fun and got me warmed up to retrying the glorified boulder problem L'Ecole Net which was the 7a couldn't finish on Wednesday. Well on the bright side I was able to do the crux moves of L'Ecole Net but I was feeling too gased to 'scend. So I bailed off it and Adrian put the draws up on a 6c+ call Les Ailes du Vizir. I got on it and fell just after the crux. All these climbs were awesome and I would recommend them to anyone visiting the area.

I took a few shots from the top of Les Ailes du Vizir and that is the photo attached to this post. On the right side of the cave to the right of the tree is where Haschisch B starts and it goes right to the top.

Tomorrow is a rest day so I'm going to catch up on sleep and email.

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